Even though you may be living with a life difficulty, or with an illness, is your life on the "Grow and Glow?" I sure hope so. It is still a new year, a new month, a new YOU.....Yes, it can be a new YOU! All of these growth seeds can be tough to measure, but you know when you have it and when you don't. As we learn from our dis-eases, we can still cultivate what is within to heal and make us feel better, no matter how many tough life difficulties are knocking at our door. It is so true. Along with cultivation I am now living with CONSCIOUS INTENTION HEALING. This has been a challenge, but this practice is providing healing for myself and others.
I have been working on my own life difficulties these last two months and have miraculously seen and felt a shift in healing. I am working on my life intentions and with other women who are challenged with life difficulties of all kinds. Every morning when I wake up I choose my intentions for the day, what am I going to do and how I am going to feel. What will be my attitude and how will I determine what part of myself (mind, body, spirit) I will give my intention to for healing. This is very scientific stuff and as someone who has begun to practice living with intention, I know it works. Here is an example of what science is saying about conscious intention healing. This information wows me because we do have the information now to start healing in new ways.
To read the entire column go to
Thanks to Cindy for sending this our way, John Heil