Monday, July 21, 2014

Sport Psychology for Injured Athletes

Dr. John Heil received grant from Association for Applied Sport Psychology to develop an intervention program for injured athletes entitled: "A Self-Determination Psychological Intervention for Injured Collegiate Athletes”

The program will be conducted at the University of Utah - with Dr. Les Podlog & Dr. Tom Iriye

For information on the Psychology of Sport Injury;

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Players of Abusive Coaches are More Willing to Cheat

College athletes who have abusive coaches are more willing to cheat in order to win than players with more ethical coaches, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association and based on surveys from almost 20,000 student athletes at more than 600 colleges across the country.  

Published in the recent edition of: Sport,Exercise, and Performance Psychology


Thursday, July 3, 2014


Tues., July 8 – Tues., August 18                                                                 
$15 per session, if paid weekly -$90 prepaid for 7 sessions

Instructor:  Maureen G. Guelzow, Ph.D., LPC, Yoga Alliance Teacher

     Recent research has shown the practice of yoga to be beneficial for depression, anxiety, and stress reduction, as well as for other mental health conditions.  A weekly beginner’s yoga class focusing on breathing, asana practice, and relaxation to help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress will be offered at Psychological Health of Roanoke. The cost is $15 per session, and payment is required before each session.  After the second class, if you choose to continue, you will be obligated to attend and pay for the remaining classes. If you know you will miss a class because of vacation, you may make arrangements with the instructor prior to July 8th to miss a session without paying for the missed class.

Equipment:  Wear loose fitting gym clothing.  Bring a yoga mat and 2 bath towels.  Bring a light weight Blanket (or lap blanket) and light jacket.  If you have yoga blocks, please bring them but they are not required.

Friday, June 27, 2014


   Tues., July 8 - Tues., August 18

                    9:25 AM – 10:30 AM

   $15 per session, if paid weekly
   $90 prepaid for 7 sessions                                                                                                       
 Recent research has shown the practice of yoga to be beneficial for depression, anxiety, and stress reduction, as well as for other mental health conditions.  A weekly beginner’s chair yoga class focusing on breathing, asana practice, and relaxation to help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress will be offered at Psychological Health of Roanoke.  Chair yoga is designed for people who may have difficulty getting up and down off the mat but who are able to sit in a chair and stand behind a chair using the chair for support to practice yoga.  After the second class, if you choose to continue, you will be obligated to attend and pay for the remaining classes.  However, if you know you will miss a class because of vacation, you may make arrangements with the instructor prior to July 8th to miss a session without paying for the missed class. 

Instructor:  Maureen G. Guelzow, Ph.D., LPC, Yoga Alliance Teacher, 55 hours of training with Life Force Yoga for Mood.  

Equipment:  Wear loose fitting gym clothing.  Bring a yoga mat and 2 bath towels.  Bring a light weight jacket and a light blanket (or lap blanket).  If you have yoga blocks, please bring them but they are not required.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

25 Years for the Virginia Commonwealth Games

In 1990, the Roanoke Valley held its first Commonwealth Games — a series of Olympic-style competitions. Those first games included 29 sports and more than 4,400 athletes. Despite the initial success, no one was sure if the games would grow as the years progressed or if the Games organization, Virginia Amateur Sports, would survive. This summer the Games will host 60 events.

For the full Roanoke Times story including comments by PHR Clinician and Games Board member, John Heil, 


Psychological Health Roanoke Clinicians and Family support SARA
at  Roanoke's First Fridays

SARA of Roanoke is Sexual Assault Response Awareness.

Office: 540-345-7273 

24-hour Hotline: 540-981-9352

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May is Mental Health Month

Social Anxiety Disorders
More than 15 million American men and woman experience social anxiety disorder. Symptoms typically begin around age 13. Some 36% of people with social anxiety disorder report living with symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help. Is this you or a loved one?


Friday, May 9, 2014

Salem Rotary Paul Harris Award Recipients

Dr. John Heil was one of several community leaders receiving the Paul Harris Award from the Rotary Club of Salem, Virginia, on Tursday, May, 8. 
Paul P. Harris, a Chicago attorney formed the original Rotary Club in Chicago, on 23 February 1905 - as a place where professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Playing with Pain & Injury in Sport

Dr. John Heil was interviewed by Annie-Rose Strasser on playing with pain and injury. Selected comments follow:
“You can see where people will make some compromises with their health in certain critical situations, but it’s very important that ... the the choice be an informed one,”
“There’s pretty horrible stories about athletes being forced to play and suffering catastrophic consequences...from a career perspective."
"The pressure to play through injuries isn’t necessarily a big problem for professionals — they have some autonomy — but it can trickle down to high school or college athletes who can’t always make choices for themselves as easily. On any level, though, that pressure is real. "


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In Memory of Owen Grogan

Owen Grogan served as the Virginia Commonwealth Games Director for 15 years and as Area Chairperson for the Special Olympics since the 1970's. A friend to many including Psychological Health Roanoke, he died at age 62.
During this time he played a key role in bringing quality sports and wellness events to hundreds of thousands throughout the state of Virginia.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Getting Motivated to Exercise

Dr. John Heil was interviewed by David Kaplan as part of the WDBJ7, Fit Friday series.
He provided commentary on the mental side of fitness and on developing a sensible work out plan.
The Fit Friday series is part of the run-up to the Blue Ridge Marathon, considered one of the toughest in America. It is held in Roanoke on April 26.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Lectures

Dr. John Heil is lecturing this week at
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine.
The topics include:
Mass Casualty Response & Pain Management.
Related content is avaialble at:

Friday, February 14, 2014

Arthritis Pain linked to Air Pressure & Humidity

Dutch researchers compared pain and weather reports and found that osteoarthritis patients reported higher levels of pain and stiffness on days when it was rainy or humid. The 222-patient study in the Journal Pain found pain scores worsened as the humidity and barometric pressure increased.
When the researchers compared weather conditions to pain and function scores, they found that pain scores worsened by 1 point for each 10 percent increase in humidity. Function scores worsened by one point for every 10 hectopascals (0.29 of an inch) increase in barometric pressure.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Preparing for Surgery

Heidi Armstrong discusses preparing for an upcoming surgery in Austin Fit Magazine:

After five and a half months, little progress, and a few weeks of denial, I’ve had to face some hard choices. Do I choose yet another surgery (this would be number 8) to attempt to reconnect with that elusive light at the end of the tunnel, or do I accept likely living the rest of my life with limitations and pain? Really, what I want is a rewind button, but I can’t find the darn thing...

A link to the full article: The Injured Athlete’s Toolbox: How to Prepare for Surgery: