Monday, September 19, 2011

Living with Anxiety

Ryan Rivera describes himself as an ex-anxiety sufferer (well, almost). Noticing that it is difficult to find accurate and usable information about managing anxiety, he took on the task himself. He has created an online guide that is both accurate and accessible to the lay person. The guide covers the essential information about anxiety disorders and explains the options available to anxiety sufferers. Kudos to Ryan for bringing light to his idea

You can find this guide at:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tinnitus Discovery Could Lead to New Ways to Stop the Ringing

New findings, published online by the National Academy of Sciences, suggest several new approaches to treatment, including retraining the brain, and new avenues for developing drugs to suppress the ringing. The cause of tinnitus is damage to nerve cells in the innner ear. In response to this damage, the brain generates "phantom sounds." In this respect, tinnitus resembles phantom limb pain experienced by many amputees.
For more information: