Thursday, August 27, 2009

Workplace Violence

Workplace violence has increasingly become a topic of concern for businesses nationwide. It is estimated that some 2 million American workers are victims of violence in the workplace each year. Most employers now recognize the importance of helping to prevent workplace violence and bullying. The August edition of the Advantage EAP Newsletter offers some tips on establishing a healthy work environment and on offering protection from workplace violence and bullying.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Obsessive Compulsive Support Group

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (often referred to as OCD) is a condition in which an intrusive thought causes anxiety. In response, the individual is compelled to think some other thought or take some action that neutralizes the anxiety caused by the intrusive thought. The OCD sufferer often feels trapped in a vicious cycle that ends up making them even more anxious. The classic example of OCD is an obsession with germs and dirt, or the compulsion to wash. Other forms include Checking, Counting, Repeating, Neatness and Hoarding.
On the second Thursday of each month from 600pm to 730pm, Dr. Sam Rogers meets with the Support Group at Psychological Health Roanoke, at 2727 Electric Road, Roanoke (La Premier Office building) -- talking about what OCD is, how it affects your life, and what you can do about it. This group is open at no charge to any one who thinks they may have OCD. Friends and family members are also welcome.

For more information about the Support Group call: 540-772-5140.

To learn more about OCD you can visit the following the web sites: Obsessive Compulsive Foundation ( or the Anxiety Disorders Foundation of America (

Friday, August 14, 2009

Good Luck to Reid Shores

On August 18th, Reid will be leaving for his first year at Christopher Newport University. Reid has been with Psychological Health-Roanoke since March on a part-time basis to help with our computers. He graduated with Honors from Hidden Valley High School in June, and has received a CompTia A plus certificate in computers. Reid has been selected to be in the prestigious President’s Leadership Program at CNU and has received two scholarships from the University due to his high school performance. The President’s Leadership Program teaches leadership skills, has an emphasis on community service and encourages studying abroad. Join us in wishing Reid the best in his new academic career at CNU!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Internet "Addiction"

On July 29th, J. Steve Strosnider, LPC and Managing Partner of PHR, was interviewed by Joy Sutton on WDBJ-7 on the topic of Twitter and FaceBook Addiction. The issue of Internet Addiction is an increasing phenomenon, seen frequently at PHR. Very few clients will present themselves as addicted to the Internet, but it is often manifested in marital and work related problems. The Internet can become the center of people’s lives to the detriment of relationships, jobs and overall well being. Internet Addiction can take many forms; from E-bay, Games, Twitter, FaceBook and Pornography. There is also the vagabond who surfs the Internet for hours.
The Internet has given mankind a power unprecedented in our history. As such, it is quite seductive and can become addictive. If one cannot limit time on the computer and/or it is adversely affecting jobs or relationships, professional help is indicated.